General Questions:

Dr. Matt Symonds, Executive Director

Membership/Website Questions:

Mary Driemeyer, Director of Technology

Awards & Nominations

We are proud to recognize educators, partners, and advocates who make extraordinary contributions to MOSHAPE and the profession.

Nomination Information



Nomination for 2025 Teacher of the Year Awards Nomination for 2025 MOSHAPE Awards Application for President-Elect Past Award Recipients

Awards are presented during the MOSHAPE Convention Awards Banquet.  For assistance with nominations, contact Julie Lueckenhoff, Past President and Awards Committee Chair.

Awards Categories and Descriptions

  • health. moves. minds.® powered by Booster

    Award:  Recognition of  health. moves. minds.® schools, presented by MOSHAPE 

    Number of Award Recipients: Varies each year  

    Award Description and Responsibilities:

    Based on MOSHAPE health. moves. minds® Incentive Program:  The MOSHAPE Board of Directors approved an INCENTIVE PROGRAM for health. moves. minds® Team Champions (BOD Meeting July 23, 2019).  

    SHAPE America health. moves. minds® provides a two-prong approach.  The program provides free social, emotional learning lesson plans for K-12 students, designed to meet specific national standards and Grade Level Outcomes (GLOs).  A fundraising  option to help you earn money to purchase whatever you need to bring Quality  PE and Skills-based Health to your students.  The educational FUNdraiser program  was designed to teach students critical life skills – kindness, respect, philanthropy, advocacy—and to demonstrate the importance of daily physical activity and giving back to the community.


    This incentive program consists of: 

    1.  Recognition on MOSHAPE website for all Coordinators who sponsor an event.

    2.  For school coordinators raising more than $2,000, there will be recognition award (a very usable item), to be given at Convention.

    3.  For school coordinators raising more than $5,000, a free MOSHAPE convention registration will be given for the subsequent year. (If a member raises more than $5,000 during a specific school year, that member would receive free registration to the following year’s Convention – the subsequent year’s convention.)

    4.  For school coordinators raising more than $10,000, a free convention registration to both MOSHAPE and SHAPE America Conventions will be given for the subsequent year.

    5.  All awards are to be designated for the use by one Event Coordinator per school and cannot be transferred to another member. Therefore, only one award will be given per school.

    6.  REMEMBER - You can choose to receive up to 50% of all funds raised to improve your program and your school - this is a great way to grow your program!!!

    Criteria:  Incentive levels based on Year End report provided by SHAPE America. MOSHAPE Incentives will be listed in Banquet Program and recognized in Awards Ceremony as stipulated. The MOSHAPE Executive Director sends award letters to the health. moves. minds® award recipients and works with the health. moves. minds® State Program Director to determine and purchase recognition awards.


    Presented by:

    Executive Director and/or HMM State Program Director

    For further information, contact:

    Kyle Salvo, State Program Director (

    Matt Symonds, MOSHAPE Executive Director  (

  • Teacher of the Year (TOY) Awards

    Award:  MOSHAPE Teacher of the Year Award   


    Number of Award Recipients: Varies each year

    Award Description and Responsibilities:  MOSHAPE's Teacher of the Year (TOY) program recognizes outstanding teachers in the following categories: 

    Physical Education at three levels (Elementary, Middle, and High School), Adapted Physical Education, Health, and Dance Education.


    Recognition is given to MOSHAPE District Teachers of the Year and MOSHAPE Missouri State Teacher of the Year.  

    Individuals who are named Teacher of the Year by Missouri are eligible for Central District Teacher of the Year award if they hold membership in SHAPE America. Central District winners are eligible for the national award, SHAPE America Teacher of the Year. The candidate must meet the Guidelines posted in the SHAPE America website for the National Teacher of the Year Award (not required for the MOSHAPE awards).

    The recipient must have current membership in MOSHAPE, minimum five years of teaching experience, degree and certification in teaching, be employed as a full-time teacher at time of application submission & selection, and have a minimum of 50% of total job responsibilities as a teacher in one of the following: Physical Education, Adapted Physical Education, Dance Education, or Health Education.

    The MOSHAPE Teacher of the Year (TOY) award is evaluated and selected by the MOSHAPE Teacher of the Year (TOY) committee.  

    Presented by: 

    MOSHAPE TOY Committee Chair 

    For further information, contact:

    Melanie Zerr, TOY Committee Chair.  Contact

  • Individual Awards

    Award:  Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation State Outdoor Adventure Teacher of the Year Award      


    Number of Award Recipients: 1  

    Award Description and Responsibilities:  The Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation State Outdoor Adventure Teacher of the Year Award was created to recognize and celebrate a teacher who is passionate about teaching Outdoor Adventures (OA).  The OA teacher of the year supports the mission of the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation (OTF) and shares skills and opportunities with students to create lifelong advocates for conservation and our national resources.  This award was first given in 2023.  

    It is offered, evaluated, selected, and awarded by the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation.  This award requires an application to be completed and submitted by September 1, 2024 to the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation.  The Outdoor Adventure State Teacher of the Year award is provided by the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation.  

    Criterion: (updated 6/23)

    • Must have taught outdoor education as a part of the Physical Education Curriculum or as an elective course for at least 2 years.
    • Must offer an inclusive program for all students.
    • Must show student impact and potential or past program growth.
    • Must have a program that encourages extra-curricular programs such as archery, hiking, camping, fishing, shooting sports, field trips, etc.
    • Must have a program supported by their administration.
    • Application Deadlines: All applications are due September 1st.
    • Notification of Recipients: The recipient will be notified by email October 1st. Recipient will be recognized at the State Conventions, receive a $250 equipment gift certificate and OTF shirt/hat. If the recipient does not have the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation Curriculum, they will receive the curriculum for their school ($1,000 value).

    External Submission of Application: 

    All applications must be mailed or emailed to Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation:

    Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation

    State Teacher of the Year

    420 N. Carroll Ave., Suite 160

    Southlake, TX 76092

    Presented by: 

    Outdoor Adventure Representative

    For further information, contact:

    Tari Garner, Outdoor Adventure Coordinator. Contact:

  • Future Professional Awards

    Award:  MOSHAPE Future Professional 

    Award  * Outstanding Student Major of the Year (MOY) Award

    Number of Award Recipients: 1 per verified major program per university

    Award Description and Responsibilities:   MOSHAPE presents an award each year to Outstanding Future Professionals from colleges and universities in the state. Colleges and universities in the state of Missouri offering undergraduate majors in physical education, health, recreation, dance, exercise science, sport science, kinesiology, or directly related fields are invited to identify 1 recipient for each of those programs as an outstanding future professional for recognition by MOSHAPE. The purpose of the program is to honor outstanding future professionals attending universities in the state and to focus attention on the work they have accomplished. This program will provide an incentive for future professionals in our colleges and universities to continue to strive for excellence in their professional preparation.

    Criterion: Selected by faculty representation of the institutions 

    • Junior or Senior standing
    • Overall GPA of 3.25 or higher
    • Professional involvement (at least a member of)
    • Majors club
    • MOSHAPE (free membership!)
    • Other professional accomplishments
    • Leadership evidence
    • Other professional accomplishments


    Nomination Form is sent to all University Department Chairs/Program Leaders by the Executive Director during September of each year.  Deadline to return nominations to the Executive Director is October 1.

    Application Deadline:  October 1 of each year

    Submission of Application: Each college or university may select only one outstanding future professional for each degree program they offer using the attached form. 

    Submissions are to be mailed or emailed to:

    MOSHAPE Executive Director

    Dr. Matt Symonds

    611 West Grant Street

    Maryville, MO 64468

    Email address:

    Presented by: 

    Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair.

  • Administrator of the Year Awards

    Award: Administrator of the Year Award

    Number of Award Recipients: 1-3

    Description: This award is presented to no more than three administrators annually who, through their leadership and actions have provided outstanding support and brought great value to the programs we conduct in schools and higher education institutions.


    • Types and amount of support provided to our profession and to MOSHAPE mission
    • Types and amount of support provided to programs at the institutional level
    • Types and amount of support provided through advocating for the programs of MOSHAPE

    Submission of Application: Submitted to the Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

    Presented by: 

    Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

  • Dr. James Herauf Young Professional Award

    Award:  Dr. James Herauf Young Professional Award

    Number of Award Recipients: 1

    Description:  This award is presented annually to a young member of the Society who has demonstrated outstanding potential for scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership. The recipient shall be no older than 35 years of age, been a member of MOSHAPE for five years including those years as a student member and be a current member.  The recipient shall have held office, served on committees, conducted workshops, and/or presented programs for MOSHAPE.  

    Honoree Description: This award is named in honor of past president and long-time Executive Director of MOAHPERD (1998-2014), Dr. James A. Herauf.  Dr. James Herauf (1935-2016) professor emeritus served as a faculty member and department chair in the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance at Northwest Missouri State University; his expertise included research and health education.  Dr. Herauf pioneered and reformed statewide professional development for all social economic areas throughout Missouri. He championed and cultivated learning opportunities for all teachers to have quality health and physical education in their district.  In doing so, he created the MOAHPERD Quality Health and Physical Education Cadre Project and updated the MOAHPERD Exemplary Physical Education Program Award.  The mission of the Cadre Project focused on quality health and physical education policies, programs, and curriculum.  This grant-funded project created a state-wide cadre of health and physical education educators who delivered professional development through the regional professional development centers (RPDC) in Missouri.  The grant was supported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), RPDC, and MOAHPERD.  The purpose of the Missouri Exemplary Physical Education Program Award served as a way to expand and recognize quality physical education at the program level.  This was to encourage K-12 public/private schools to assess their program against criteria for quality physical education programming, as established by MOAHPERD and SHAPE America, and recognize these schools for their commitment to these high standards.  There were two award categories: Exemplary Gold and Exemplary, with recognition at the building level.  The award was selected through an application process and evaluated by a MOAHPERD standing committee appointed by the President.  


    • Successfully completed a minimum of two years of teaching experience
    • Holds membership in MOSHAPE in year prior to nomination
    • Provides evidence of service as stated in award description

    Submission of Application: Submitted to the Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

    Presented by: Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

  • Dr. Robert M. Taylor Professional Service Honor Awards

    Award:  Dr. Robert M. Taylor Professional Service Honor Award

    Number of Award Recipients: 1-4

    Description:  This award is presented annually to outstanding teachers in physical education, health, recreation and dance who have served the Society.  The recipient shall have held membership in MOSHAPE for five years and be a current member.  The recipient shall have served such capacities as elected office, committee membership, workshop presenter and/or convention program presenter.  

    Honoree Description:  This award is named in honor of Dr. Robert M. Taylor (1924-2012), MAHPERD past president.  Dr. Taylor was employed with the Kansas City Public Schools from 1951-1965.  He served as a Director of Health and Physical Education in the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 1965-1990.


    • Held membership in MOSHAPE for a minimum of five years and be a current member of MOSHAPE. 
    • Provides evidence of elected office(s) and/or committee membership in MOSHAPE, including length of service in each
    • Provide a list of the workshop(s) presented and/or MOSHAPE and other convention presentation(s), including dates and locations of each.

    Submission of Application: Submitted to the Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

    Presented by: Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

  • Dr. Lynn Imergoot MOSHAPE Scholar Award

    Award:  Dr. Lynn Imergoot MOSHAPE Scholar Award

    Number of Award Recipients: 1

    Description:  This award is presented to a professional member of the Missouri Society of Health and Physical Educators.  The recipient must have membership in MOSHAPE for five years and be a current member.  The recipient has demonstrated competence in research via grant proposals, research papers, publications, artistic performances, or media presentations. 

    Honoree Description: This award is named in honor of Dr. Lynn S. Imergoot (1949-2009), a leader, pioneer and trailblazer for women’s athletics.  During the implementation of Title IX, she directed the establishment of women’s varsity sports at Washington University-St. Louis, from ground level to national contenders. An instructor, coach, and athletic administrator at Washington University-St. Louis, Lynn Stockman Imergoot was a prolific writer, who also used her pen to advocate for women’s sport programs and leaders.  She served as co-editor for the official yearly publication, Missouri Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1988-2009. [For more information:]    


    • Number and dates of scholarly publications and where they were published
    • Reviews and citations for each scholarly publication
    • Listing of all scholarly presentations, including the sponsoring organization, and dates
    • Membership on scholarly review boards and/or editorial boards
    • Mentoring others in creation of scholarly research

    Submission of Application: Submitted to the Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

    Presented by: Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

  • Dr. Patricia McSwegin MOSHAPE Student Research Award

    Award:  Dr. Patricia McSwegin MOSHAPE Student Research Award 


    Number of Award Recipients: 1-2

    Description: This award is presented to the student(s) with the highest rated research abstract and research poster presentation at the Missouri Society of Health and Physical Educators Convention. 


    Honoree Description:  This award is named in honor of Dr. Patricia  J. Campobello McSwegin (1943-1997), past president of MAHPERD.  Pat was an outspoken advocate for lifelong physical activity and fitness.  She was a co-author of “Physical Best,” a physical fitness educational plan linked to the national physical education standards,  that provides teachers with a plan designed to educate children to be physically fit for the rest of their lives.  A faculty member at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, she contributed to the fitness and wellness of countless American youth through her teaching, research and service.   


    • Meet guidelines for presentation format
    • Abstract review and responses from MOSHAPE members
    • Satisfaction of specific award criteria as established
    • The Dr. Patricia McSwegin Student Research Award is evaluated and selected by the MOSHAPE Student Research Award committee.  
    • The “Call for Abstracts” will be sent out by the Executive Director in a letter to the University Department Chair/Program Director each fall.  

    Submission of Application:  Abstracts due by October 1          

    Nomination Committee:  The current past president of MOSHAPE will serve as the coordinator for this session, abstract evaluation, poster presentation and award selection.  The current Past-President will coordinate the Student Research Abstract submission process, select and lead a committee of 3-5 higher education professionals to conduct a blind review of submitted abstracts, organize and evaluate the poster session at the fall convention and determine the winner of the Dr. Patricia McSwegin Student Research Award. Should the committee results result in a tie, the coordinator will cast the tie breaking vote.  

    The coordinator will submit the name(s) of the winner(s), the abstract title and University they represent, to be announced at the MOSHAPE Awards Banquet. 

    Presented by:  MOSHAPE Past President and/or Chair of the MOSHAPE Student Research Award Committee

  • Dr. Thomas J. Loughrey Advocacy Awards

    Award:  Dr. Thomas J. Loughrey Advocacy Award   

    Number of Award Recipients: Limited to 4 per year

    Description:   This award is to recognize Quality Health and Physical Education advocacy initiatives in each of the 4 categories in any given year: (1) an educator working in an educational setting, (2) an administrator working in an educational setting, (3) a legislative advocate, and/or (4) a non-profit who provides support to improve policies, programs or practices. 

    Definition: Advocacy is the act of arguing in favor of something, such as a cause or policy; makes a value judgement: “HPE is important to educating the whole child”. Lobbying occurs when you make an ‘ask’ for a policy change: “School Board, please adopt the More Minutes in PE Policy”. An advocate for Quality Health and Physical Education understands and practices Quality Health and Physical Education and actively promotes the need for Quality Health and Physical Education to stakeholders (from teachers to community members/families to legislators/policy makers). The purpose of this award is to recognize Quality Health and Physical Education advocacy initiatives from an (1) educator and/or (2) administrator working in an educational setting; a (3) legislative individual and/or (4) non-profit individual or organization that makes/attempts to make a positive policy change to improve the health of the school, students, and staff. 

    Honoree Description: The award is named in honor of Dr. Thomas J. Loughrey (1940-), professor emeritus in the College of Education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.  A lifetime advocate for quality health and physical education,  Dr. Loughrey served as MOSHAPE Executive Director 2014-2024. The award began in 2022.     


    • Contributions to advocacy efforts, such as corresponding on relevant issues
    • Implementing sound advocacy procedures for the benefit of MOSHAPE initiatives
    • Creating advocacy materials, campaigns and documents/media supportive of the MOSHAPE mission
    • Evidence of presenting to groups, boards and public officials about topics critical to the success of our profession and MOSHAPE

    Submission of Nomination:  Nomination and Awards Committee Chair.  


    Presented by: Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair or Advocacy Committee Director

  • Helen Manley Awards

    Award:  Helen Manley Award

    Number of Award Recipients: 1-3

    Description:  This award is presented to members who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Missouri Society of Health and Physical Educators in programming for physical education, health, recreation, dance and/or allied professions. The recipient must have held membership in the Society for five years and be a current member. If the nominee is retired, the current membership requirement is waived. 

    Honoree Description:  This award is named in honor of Helen Manley, a past president of MAHPER. Helen Manley was a University City physical education and health teacher, administrator and the first teacher to teach sex education in the United States.  She was a national leader in Health and Physical Education.  For more information:   

    NOTE:  This award changed in description and criteria eligibility from recognizing an individual in the  “St. Louis vicinity” to “ any member” by a BOD vote, March 5, 2020.


    • Held membership in MOSHAPE (continuously) for five years and be a current member. 
    • Provides evidence of service to MOSHAPE, including contributions and time devoted to various efforts.

    Submission of Nomination Form: Nomination and Awards Committee Chair.

    Presented by: Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

  • Dr. Kathleen Kinderfather Award

    Award:  Dr. Kathleen Kinderfather Award

    Number of Award Recipients: 1

    Description: The recipient of this award shall exhibit honor, dignity, integrity and exemplary contributions to the MOSHAPE and the profession.  In any given year, only one individual may be given this award. This is the highest honor MOSHAPE awards to an individual.   

    Honoree Description: This award is named in honor of Dr. Kathleen Kinderfather (1930-2020), past president and long-serving Executive Secretary (1983-1998) of the Missouri Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD), passionate supporter of dance and leader in the National Dance Association.  A professor emerita at Harris-Stowe State College/University, she exemplified leadership.  She was a role model, mentor and “leader of leaders.”  She believed in educating the whole child, while promoting the role of dance, health, and physical education in that process.  She inspired, modeled and taught everyone that you always do the right thing, because it is the right thing. The award was first given in 1996.                                                                                                                                                    

    For more information: OR Recognition Awards: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance: Vol 71, No 5 (


    • Long-term membership (15 years or more) in MOSHAPE
    • Long-term membership (10 years or more) in SHAPE America
    • Broad-based and sustained contributions to MOSHAPE offices, committees and other initiatives
    • Letters from MOSHAPE members and educational colleagues attesting to descriptors
    • Recognition as a tireless and selfless contributor to the MOSHAPE mission and operations

    Submission of Nomination Form: Nomination and Awards Committee Chair 

    Presented by: Executive Director and/or Nomination and Awards Committee Chair

  • Presidential Recognition Awards

    Award:  Presidential Recognition Award                                                                                                    

    Number of Award Recipients: 1-4

    Description: Presidential awards are given to those individuals the president feels have contributed significantly during the president’s term of office for advice, counsel, and support. The award(s) is presented upon the recommendation of the current MOSHAPE President and approval by the Nomination and Awards Committee and Executive Director. 

    Presented by: Current MOSHAPE President

  • Executive Director Awards

    Award:  Executive Director’s Award


    Number of Recipients: Limited to 2/year 

    Description: This award shall be presented to the individual, individuals or organizations that have provided consistent and high-level support to MOSHAPE for advancing the mission, purposes and programs of MOSHAPE.  This award is presented upon the recommendation of the MOSHAPE Executive Director and the approval of the Nomination and Awards committee. This award is given at the sole discretion of the MOSHAPE Executive Director. The award was first given in 2016.  

    Presented by: MOSHAPE Executive Director

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